test_jali_mesh_wrapper.cc File Reference
#include "wonton/mesh/jali/jali_mesh_wrapper.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "Mesh.hh"
#include "MeshFactory.hh"
#include "wonton/support/Point.h"


bool faceted_poly_ok (std::vector< Wonton::Point< 3 >> const &fctpoints, std::vector< std::vector< int >> const &facets, double expected_area, double expected_volume, Wonton::Point< 3 > expected_centroid, double tol)
 Unit tests for the Jali mesh wrapper class. More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, ccw)
 Unit test for counter-clockwise winding of coordinates. More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, Get_Neighbor_Cells)
 Unit test for getting neighbor cells. More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, Get_Exterior_Flag)
 Unit test for getting entities on the exterior boundary. More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, Decompose_Cell_Into_Tets)
 Unit test for 5-tet hex decomposition. More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, MESH_SIDES_2D)
 Unit test for 2D sides construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali). More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, MESH_SIDES_3D)
 Unit test for 3D sides construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali). More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, MESH_WEDGES_2D)
 Unit test for 2D wedges construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali). More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, MESH_WEDGES_3D)
 Unit test for 3D wedges construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali). More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, MESH_CORNERS_2D)
 Unit test for 2D corners construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali). More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, MESH_CORNERS_3D)
 Unit test for 3D sides construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali). More...
 Test instantiation of Jali mesh wrapper with non-default options. More...
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, MultiCell_Facetization)
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, Skewed_2DCell_Geometry)
 TEST (Jali_Mesh_Wrapper, Skewed_3DCell_Geometry)

Function Documentation

◆ faceted_poly_ok()

bool faceted_poly_ok ( std::vector< Wonton::Point< 3 >> const &  fctpoints,
std::vector< std::vector< int >> const &  facets,
double  expected_area,
double  expected_volume,
Wonton::Point< 3 >  expected_centroid,
double  tol 

Unit tests for the Jali mesh wrapper class.

file test_jali_mesh_wrapper.cc

Check validity of faceted polyhedron

fctpointsVector of unique points of facetization
facetsVector of vector of facet points (indexing fctpoints)
centroidCentroid of polyhedron
expected_areaExpected area of polyhedron surface (-1 means don't check)
expected_volumeExpected volume of polyhedron (-1 means don't check)
expected_centroidExpected centroid of polyhedron ([-99, -99, -99] means don't check)

◆ TEST() [1/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for counter-clockwise winding of coordinates.

◆ TEST() [2/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for getting neighbor cells.

◆ TEST() [3/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for getting entities on the exterior boundary.

◆ TEST() [4/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for 5-tet hex decomposition.

◆ TEST() [5/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for 2D sides construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali).

For this we only need cells (always present), faces and nodes (always present) from Jali

◆ TEST() [6/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for 3D sides construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali).

For this we only need cells (always present), faces and nodes (always present) from Jali

◆ TEST() [7/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for 2D wedges construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali).

For this we only need cells (always present), faces and nodes (always present) from Jali

◆ TEST() [8/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for 3D wedges construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali).

For this we only need cells (always present), faces and nodes (always present) from Jali

◆ TEST() [9/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for 2D corners construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali).

For this we only need cells (always present), faces and nodes (always present) from Jali

◆ TEST() [10/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Unit test for 3D sides construction and queries in the wrapper class (and not natively in Jali).

For this we only need cells (always present), faces and nodes (always present) from Jali

◆ TEST() [11/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

Test instantiation of Jali mesh wrapper with non-default options.

For this we only need cells (always present), faces and nodes (always present) from Jali

◆ TEST() [12/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

◆ TEST() [13/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,

◆ TEST() [14/14]

TEST ( Jali_Mesh_Wrapper  ,