Topology Design Idioms

FleCSI uses three C++ idioms to implement topology types: template specialization, template function overload, and tuple walkers.

  • Template Specialization
    Explicit or partial template specializations use C++ type inference to match a template type parameter to a specific implementation, thus allowing users to customize the behavior of a class or struct depending on the type of the parameter that is passed:

    // Unspecialized (default) behavior.
    template<typename TYPE>
    struct type {};
    struct type<match_type_one_t> {
      static void method() {
        // Implementation for type one.
      } // method
    }; // struct type
    struct type<match_type_two_t> {
      static void method() {
        // Implementation for type two.
      } // method
    }; // struct type

    The distinction between explicit and partial specialization is whether or not the specialized type is fully (explicit) or partially qualified, i.e., partially specialized types leave some template parameters unspecified.

  • Template Function Overload
    Template function overloads are similar to template specialization, but allow specialization of a method or function:

    struct enclosing_type_t {
      template<typename TYPE>
      void method(type_one<TYPE> & arg) {
        // Implementation for type one.
      } // method
      template<typename TYPE>
      void method(type_two<TYPE> & arg) {
        // Implementation for type two.
      } // method
    }; // struct enclosing_type_t
  • Tuple Walker
    The tuple walker idiom is really a calling technique used in conjunction with template function overload that applies a visit method, defined via the function template overload, to each type or value of a std::tuple. The distinction between tuple types and values is an important one, as it distinguishes between static (type information, available at compile time) and dynamic (variable information, available at runtime) state.

    An example of FleCSI’s use of the tuple walker idiom, applied to dynamic tuple values, is the task_prologue_t type, used to add region requirements for the Legion implementation of flecsi_execute_task:

    struct task_prologue_t : public
    flecsi::utils::tuple_walker<task_prologue_t> {
      template<typename DATA_TYPE, size_t PRIVILEGES>
      void visit(index_t::accessor<DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES> &
      accessor) {
        // Implmentation for type
        // index_t::accessor<DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES>.
      } // visit
    }; // struct task_prologue_t

    You may notice that I lied to you before about there only being three idioms: Our tuple walker type also uses the CRTP idiom documented here.

Adding New Topologies

  1. Topology Type: Add a new subdirectory to the flecsi/topology directory named for the new topology type, e.g., ntree.

    This subdirectory should include:

    • interface.h: This file defines the topology interface, e.g.,

      namespace flecsi {
      namespace topology {
      template<typename POLICY_TYPE>
      struct ntree : ntree_base {
        // interface ...
      }; // struct ntree
      } // namespace flecsi
      } // namespace topology
    • types.h: This file defines types that are used by FleCSI, and by the new topology type. At a minimum, this file should define a base type from which the new topology type shall inherit, and a coloring type. The base class will be used to identify specializations of the new type in explicit/partial specializations and template function overloads. The coloring type should include whatever interface and data members are required to form a distributed-memory representation of the new topology:

      struct ntree_base {
      using coloring = ntree_coloring_t;
        // interface ...
      }; // struct ntree_base

      The base type should be named consistently with the new topology type name, and should follow FleCSI naming conventions. The base type must define the public coloring type.

  2. Topology Registration: Define a partial specialization of the topology_registration type in flecsi/data/topology_registration.h. This type must implement a register_fields method that adds the fields required to represent the meta data associated with an instance of the new topology type.

  3. Topology Instance: Define runtime-specific topology instance types in data/runtime/topologies.h, where runtime is implemented for each supported backend runtime type, e.g., Legion, MPI, and HPX (currently).

    The new type must define a set_coloring method that takes the coloring type defined in assocaited types.h file:

    template<typename POLICY_TYPE>
    struct  topology_instance<ntree<POLICY_TYPE>> {
      using topology_reference_t =
      static void set_coloring(topology_reference_t const & topology_reference,
        ntree<POLICY_TYPE>::coloring const & colorint) {
      } // set_coloring
    }; // topology_instance<ntree<POLICY_TYPE>>
  4. Initialize Arguments: Define a template function overload of the task_prologue_t type in flecsi/execution/…/task_prologue.h that adds the region requirements for the given type instance (for Legion only), updates distributed-memory data dependencies, and sets a dirty (modified) bit for any fields or topologies that were accessed with write privileges (write-only, or read-write).

  5. Bind Accessors: Define a template function overload of the bind_accessors_t type in flecsi/execution/runtime/bind_accessors.h, where runtime is implmented for each backend runtime. This function binds backend data buffers into the topology accesor instance. The accessor is defined as part of the topology type, and implements a proxy pattern.

  6. Unbind Accessors: Define a template function overload of the unbind_accessors_t type in flecsi/execution/runtime/unbind_accessors.h, where runtime is implmented for each backend runtime. This function unbinds backend data buffers, and does any cleanup operations that are necessary to complete task execution, e.g., committing changes to sparse or dynamic storage class fields.

Topology Initialization Workflow

  1. User defines specialization policy

  2. User defines topology type with policy

  3. Register meta data fields for specialized topology type

  4. User adds fields to topology-defined index spaces

  5. User gets topology instance

  6. User generates coloring and calls set_coloring on instance

  7. FleCSI creates index spaces and index partitions

  8. FleCSI invokes task to initialize topology meta data

  9. User invokes task to initialize field state