Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)ΒΆ

More generally known as F-bound polymorphism, this idiom was formalized in the 1980s. The name CRTP was coined by Jim Coplien in 1995. The wikipedia entry is here.

The general form of the pattern involves a templated base class and a derived class that specializes the base class with its own type:

  typename CRTP_TYPE
struct base {
}; // struct base

struct derived : public base<derived> // This is the important bit.
}; // struct derived

One use of this pattern in FleCSI is for static polymorphism. In particular, by statically casting the base type to the derived type, we can allow the derived type to specialize the behavior of the base class interface. In the following code example, tuple_walker is the base class for a derived type identified by CRTP_TYPE:

  typename CRTP_TYPE
struct tuple_walker
  // In this example, we employ a helper type to walk a tuple and
  // apply the handler method defined by the derived type.
    typename TUPLE_TYPE
  void walk(
    TUPLE_TYPE & t
    using HELPER_TYPE =

    // CRTP is needed here to recover the derived type's type
    // for this static cast.
    HELPER_TYPE::walk(*static_cast<CRTP_TYPE*>(this), t);
  } // walk
}; // struct tuple_walker

The helper class calls the handle method:

  std::size_t INDEX,
  typename TUPLE_TYPE,
  typename CRTP_TYPE
struct tuple_walker_helper
  // The walk method of the helper class calls the CRTP type's
  // handle method.
    CRTP_TYPE & p,
    TUPLE_TYPE & t
    return HELPER_TYPE::walk(p, t);
  } // walk
}; // tuple_walker_helper

The p.handle method, defined by the CRTP_TYPE, allows the derived type to apply specialized logic to each element type of the TUPLE_TYPE.

Several other uses of CRTP are documented on widipedia.