▼Nflecsi | |
►Ncoloring | |
Ccoloring_info_t | |
►Cindex_coloring_t | |
Cghost_info_t | |
Cshared_info_t | |
►Nctrl_impl | |
►Ccycle | |
Crecurse | |
Crecurse< E, cycle< P, CPs... > > | |
Crecurse< E, util::constant< Value > > | |
Cinit_walker | |
Cpoint_walker | |
►Ndata | |
►Nleg | |
Cpartition | |
Cregion | |
Cunique_handle | |
Caccessor | |
Caccessor< dense, DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES > | |
Caccessor< singular, DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES > | |
Caccessor_member | |
Ccoloring_slot | |
Cconvert_tag | |
Cfield_info_t | |
Cfield_reference | |
Cfield_reference_t | |
Cfield_register | |
Cfield_register< T, dense, Topo, Space > | |
Cfield_register< T, singular, Topo, Space > | |
Cpartition | |
Cpartitioned | |
Creference_base | |
Cregion | |
Ctopology_accessor | |
Ctopology_slot | |
►Ndetail | |
►Cdata_guard | An RAII type to manage the global coloring and topologies |
Ccolor_guard | |
Cglobal_guard | |
Cprocess_guard | |
►Nexec | |
►Ndetail | |
Cnonconst_ref | |
Cnonconst_ref< const T & > | |
Creplace_argument | |
Creplace_argument< P, A, decltype(void(task_param< P >::replace(std::declval< A >())))> | |
Ctask_param | |
Ctask_param< data::accessor< data::dense, T, S > > | |
Ctask_param< data::accessor< data::singular, T, S > > | |
Ctask_param< data::topology_accessor< T, P > > | |
Ctask_param< future< R > > | |
►Nfold | |
Cmax | |
Cmin | |
Cproduct | |
Csum | |
►Nleg | |
►Ndetail | |
Cdecay | |
Cdecay< std::tuple< TT... > > | |
Cbind_accessors_t | |
Ctask_prologue_t | |
Ctask_wrapper | |
Ctask_wrapper< F, task_processor_type_t::mpi > | |
Cunbind_accessors_t | |
►Cforall | |
Cfunctor | |
Claunch_domain | A launch domain with a static identity but a runtime size |
►Nio | |
Cio_interface_t | |
Clegion_hdf5_region_t | |
Clegion_hdf5_t | |
►Nlog | |
Cdevel_guard | |
Cdevel_tag | |
Cflog_t | |
Cguard | |
Clog_message_t | |
Cpacket_t | |
Ctag | |
Ctag_scope_t | |
►Ctee_buffer_t | |
Cbuffer_data_t | |
Ctee_stream_t | |
►Nrun | |
►Ccontext | |
Cindex_subspace_info_t | |
Ccontext_t | |
Cmpi_mapper_t | |
►Ntopo | |
►Ndetail | |
Cbase | |
Cbase< canonical > | |
Cbase< global_category > | |
Cbase< index_category > | |
Cbase< ntree > | |
Cbase< set > | |
Cbase< structured > | |
Cbase< unstructured > | |
Cdefault_space | |
Cdefault_space< T, decltype(void(T::default_space))> | |
Cindex_space | |
Cindex_space< T, util::voided< typename T::index_space > > | |
►Nunstructured_impl | |
Ccoloring_info | |
Cdefinition | |
Centity_info | |
Cindex_coloring | |
Cparallel_definition | |
Cset_color_info_t | |
Cset_coloring_info_t | |
Csimple_definition | |
Carray_buf_ref_get | |
Carray_buf_ref_get< T, false > | |
Carray_buf_ref_type | |
Carray_buf_ref_type< domain_entity< M, E > > | |
Carray_buf_ref_type< S * > | |
Carray_buffer | |
Carray_buffer_type | |
Carray_buffer_type< domain_entity< M, E > > | |
Carray_buffer_type< item_t * > | |
►Ccanonical | |
Caccess | |
►Ccanonical_base | |
Ccoloring | |
Ccompute_bindings | Compute_bindings provides static recursion to process binding computation of mesh entity types |
Ccompute_bindings< FIND_DOM, 0, TS > | |
Ccompute_connectivity | Compute_connectivity provides static recursion to process connectivity computation of mesh entity types |
Ccompute_connectivity< FIND_DOM, 0, TS > | |
Cconnectivity_t | Connectivity_t provides basic connectivity information in a compressed storage format |
Cdomain_connectivity | |
Cdomain_entity | Domain_entity is a simple wrapper to mesh entity that associates with its a domain id |
Centity_base | Entity_base defines a base class that stores the raw info that a topology needs, i.e: id and rank data |
Centity_base_ | |
Cfind_entity | Find_entity provides a specialization for the root recursion |
Cfind_entity< 0, T, DIM, DOM > | |
Cfind_entity_ | Find_entity_ provides static search capabilities |
Cfind_index_space | |
Cfind_index_space< 0, TUPLE, ENTITY > | |
Cfind_index_space_from_dimension | |
Cfind_index_space_from_dimension< 0, TUPLE, DIM, DOM > | End recursion condition |
Cfind_index_space_from_id | |
Cfind_index_space_from_id< 0, TUPLE, ID > | End recursion condition |
Cfind_index_subspace_from_id | |
Cfind_index_subspace_from_id< 0, TUPLE, ID > | End recursion condition |
Cget_index_subspaces | |
Cglobal | |
►Cglobal_base | |
Ccoloring | |
Cglobal_category | |
Chash_table | |
Cid_vector_hash_t | |
►Cidentity_storage | |
Citerator | |
Cindex | |
►Cindex_base | |
Ccoloring | |
Cindex_category | |
►Cindex_space | |
Cid_range_ | |
Citerator_ | |
Citerator_< S, void > | |
Citerator_base_ | Iterator base, const be parameterized with 'T' or 'const T' |
Cindex_space_ref_type | Helper classes for resolving types |
Cindex_space_ref_type< domain_entity< M, E > > | Helper classes for resolving types |
Cindex_space_ref_type< S * > | Helper classes for resolving types |
Cindex_subspaces_tuple | |
Cindex_subspaces_tuple< MESH_TYPE, false > | |
Cmesh_base | Methods and data about the mesh topology that do not depend on type parameterization, e.g: entity types, domains, etc |
Cmesh_entity | Mesh_entity parameterizes a mesh entity base with its dimension and number of domains |
Cmesh_graph_partition | |
Cmesh_storage | |
►Cntree | |
Caccess | |
►Cntree_base | |
►Ccoloring | |
Ccoloring_metadata | |
Clocal_coloring | |
Cntree_entity | |
Cntree_entity_holder | |
Cntree_geometry | |
Cntree_geometry< T, 1 > | |
Cntree_geometry< T, 2 > | |
Cntree_geometry< T, 3 > | |
Cntree_node | |
Cntree_storage | |
Cnum_index_subspaces | |
Coffset_storage_t | |
Cset | |
Cset_base_t | |
Csimple_entry | Convenience class which associates a simple ID with type T |
Csimple_id | |
Cspecialization | |
Cstructured | |
Cstructured_base | |
Cunserialize_dimensions_ | |
Cunserialize_domains_ | |
►Cunstructured | |
Caccess | |
Cunstructured_base | |
►Nunit | |
►Ccontrol_policy | |
Cnode_policy | |
►Nutil | |
►Ndag_impl | |
Cnode | |
►Ndetail | |
Care_integral | A helper to identify if all types Ts are integral |
Care_integral< T, Ts... > | |
Cbase_specialization | |
Chold | |
Cnonvoid | |
Cnonvoid< void > | |
Cserial_container | |
►Ngraph | |
Ccolorer | |
Cparmetis_colorer | |
►Nunit | |
Cassert_handler_t | |
Cexpect_handler_t | |
Cstate_t | |
Ctest_output_t | |
Cand_ | |
Carray_ref | |
Cbase_convert_tuple_type | |
Cbase_convert_tuple_type< B, TO, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
Cbase_convert_tuple_type_ | |
Cbase_convert_tuple_type_< T, TO, false > | |
Cbase_convert_tuple_type_< T, TO, true > | |
Cbase_specialization | |
►Cbit_buffer | |
Cproxy | |
Crange_proxy | |
Cconstant | |
Cconvert_tuple_type | |
Cconvert_tuple_type< std::tuple< Args... > > | |
Cconvert_tuple_type_ | |
►Ccrs | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
Cdag | |
Cdcrs | |
Cdebruijn32_t | |
Cdimensioned_array | |
Cfunction_traits | |
Cfunction_traits< const T > | |
Cfunction_traits< const volatile T > | |
Cfunction_traits< R(*)(As...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< R(As...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< R(C::*)(As...) const > | |
Cfunction_traits< R(C::*)(As...) const volatile > | |
Cfunction_traits< R(C::*)(As...) volatile > | |
Cfunction_traits< R(C::*)(As...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< std::function< R(As...)> > | |
Cfunction_traits< T & > | |
Cfunction_traits< T && > | |
Cfunction_traits< volatile T > | |
Cgraphviz | |
Cid_ | |
Cis_container | Check if a particular type T is a container |
Cis_container< T, voided< typename T::value_type, typename T::size_type, typename T::allocator_type, typename T::iterator, typename T::const_iterator, decltype(std::declval< T >().size()), decltype(std::declval< T >().begin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().end()), decltype(std::declval< T >().cbegin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().cend()), decltype(std::declval< T >().data())> > | Check if a particular type T is a container |
Cis_iterative_container | A Helper to identify if this is a container |
Cis_iterative_container< T, voided< decltype(std::declval< T >().begin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().end())> > | A Helper to identify if this is a container |
Cis_minimal_container | A Helper to identify if this is a container |
Cis_minimal_container< T, voided< decltype(std::declval< T >().size()), decltype(std::declval< T >().data())> > | A Helper to identify if this is a container |
Cis_tuple | Check if the object is a tuple |
Cis_tuple< std::tuple< T... > > | Check if the object is a tuple |
Clexical_comparison | |
Clexical_comparison< std::tuple< Args... > > | |
Cmpi_typetraits | |
Cmpi_typetraits< char > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< double > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< float > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< int > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< long > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< long double > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< short > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< size_t > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< unsigned > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< unsigned char > | |
Cmpi_typetraits< unsigned short > | |
Coffset | Offset represents an offset range (a start index plus a count of elements) in a single uint64_t. The lower COUNT_BITS bits are used for the count and the remaining bits are used for the start index |
Cserial | |
Cserial< std::map< K, V > > | |
Cserial< std::pair< T, U >, std::enable_if_t<!memcpyable_v< std::pair< T, U > > > > | |
Cserial< std::set< T > > | |
Cserial< std::string > | |
Cserial< std::tuple< TT... >, std::enable_if_t<!memcpyable_v< std::tuple< TT... > > > > | |
Cserial< std::unordered_map< K, V > > | |
Cserial< std::vector< T > > | |
Cserial< T, decltype(void(serial_convert< T >::put))> | |
Cserial< T, std::enable_if_t< memcpyable_v< T > > > | |
Cserial< T, voided< decltype(&T::legion_buffer_size), std::enable_if_t<!memcpyable_v< T > > > > | |
Cserial_convert | |
Cserial_convert< data::accessor< data::dense, T, Priv > > | |
Cserial_convert< data::accessor< data::singular, T, Priv > > | |
►Cserial_convert< future< T > > | |
CRep | |
Cserial_convert_traits | |
Cserial_convert_traits< T, decltype(void(serial_convert< T >::size))> | |
Csimple_id_t | A simple id type that can be constructed from multiple indexes |
Csimple_id_t< std::tuple< Args... >, Compare< std::tuple< Args... > > > | |
CSymbol | |
Ctuple_walker | |
Ctypeify | |
Cuint128 | |
Cunique_id | |
►Ccontrol | |
►Caction | |
Cdependency | |
Cfid_counter_t | |
►Cfield | |
Cdefinition | |
Cfilling_curve | |
Cfuture | |
Cfuture< R > | |
Cfuture< R, exec::launch_type_t::index > | |
Cfuture< Return > | |
Cfuture< Return, exec::launch_type_t::index > | |
Cfuture< void > | |
Chilbert_curve | |
Cisid_counter_t | |
Cmorton_curve | |
►Cprogram_option | |
Cinitializer_value | |
Carray_ref< T > | |
Cdebruijn_t | Debruijn_t provides a mechanism for doing lookups of the set bits in a bitfield |
Ctree_entity | Tree_entity parameterizes a tree entity base with its dimension and number of domains |
Ctree_entity_holder | Tree_entity_holder parameterizes a tree entity base with its dimension and number of domains |
Ctree_node | Tree_node parametrizes a tree node base with its dimension and number of domain |