Simple Mesh Example

Wonton provides a very crude mesh and state manager frameworks aptly called Simple_Mesh and Simple_State. The goal of these frameworks is to show how one can wrap their favorite mesh and state manager for use - they should not be used in any production sense.

Native Simple Mesh and State Manager


This mesh framework is a non-distributed, 2D/3D, regular Cartesian mesh framework. A Simple_Mesh is constructed by specifying the extents of the box and the number of cells in each direction. The constructor then builds connectivity information between cell, node, and face indices. The ordering of things like the nodes making up a cell, or the faces making up a cell are specified consistently, but the choice of ordering does not matter. There are a few helper functions like Simple_Mesh::cell_get_nodes() that will retrieve the indices of some connected mesh entities given another mesh entity's index.


The state manager for Simple_Mesh is a collection of named field data associated with a mesh entity type. For example, there can be a field named "density" which live on entities of the type Wonton::CELL. The constructor for a Wonton::Simple_State takes a pointer to a Wonton::Simple_Mesh so that it has access to things like the number of nodes in the mesh. Data are added to and retrieved from the state manager via add and get methods. Iterators are provided for the map between (name, location) pairs and the data.

Simple Mesh-State Wrappers


This wraps the Wonton::Simple_Mesh framework. Simple_Mesh, as its name suggests, is quite simple and does not know about advanced mesh entities or connectivities. It lets AuxMeshTopology do the vast majority of the heavy lifting by automatically creating the advanced mesh features.

Where possible, Simple_Mesh_Wrapper provides quick and efficient answers to queries that AuxMeshTopology would otherwise compute more generally. Two trivial examples are:

  1. Wonton::Simple_Mesh_Wrapper::cell_get_type(), which determines the Wonton::Entity_type (e.g. PARALLEL_OWNED, PARALLEL_GHOST, etc.). We know Wonton::Simple_Mesh does not know anything about ghost information, so we simply return Wonton::Entity_type::PARALLEL_OWNED.
  2. Wonton::Simple_Mesh_Wrapper::cell_get_element_type(), which determines the geometric shape of a given cell from one of the Wonton::Element_type's. Simple mesh is only a 2d/3d, structured Cartesian mesh, so we return either Wonton::Element_type::QUAD or Wonton::Element_type::HEX.

There are a few other examples within Wonton::Simple_Mesh_Wrapper where the AuxMeshTopology methods are overwritten to take advantage of information that is cached within the Wonton::Simple_Mesh. This is a prime example of how the CRTP and AuxMeshTopology are intended to be used.


Wonton::Simple_State_Wrapper provides a set of 'add' and 'get' methods to retrieve data from the Simple_State as well as some error checking for missing or duplicate data.

Other Meshes

Wonton provides other example meshes and wrappers to help users find or write the tools they need.

Adaptive Refinement Mesh and Wrapper

An extremely simplified mesh that mimics the structure of an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) grid. This mesh should not be used in production, as it is intended simply as a guide for the kinds of data structures and interfaces that one might see in an AMR grid. In addition, it only works in serial and not across multiple processing elements. The Adaptive Refinement Mesh is set up to work with non-Cartesian coordinate systems, and can provide an example for usage of various coordinate systems within Wonton and Portage.

An Adaptive Refinement Mesh requires three inputs:

  1. A refinement function (explained below).
  2. A point in space that defines the lowest corner of your mesh.
  3. A point in space that defines the highest corner of your mesh.

The outer bounds of the mesh are assumed to be an axis-aligned box extending from the lowest corner to the highest corner. Within that box, the mesh will refine itself based on the refinement function. It will evaluate the refinement function at the center of each cell (initially the mesh is only a single cell). If the refinement function returns a value that is higher than the current level of the cell (the initial cell is level zero), the cell is refined by bisecting it along each axis.

The construction of a 2D Adaptive Refinement Mesh would look something like:

// coordinates extents
Point<2> lo = { 0.0, 0.0 };
Point<2> hi = { 1.0, 1.5 };
// the sizing function
auto refine = [&](Wonton::Point<2> const& p) {
Point<2> norm;
norm[0] = (p[0] - lo[0]) / (hi[0] - lo[0]);
norm[1] = (p[1] - lo[1]) / (hi[1] - lo[1]);
return static_cast<int>(std::ceil(2.0 + 3.0 * norm[0] + 1.0 * norm[1]));
// create the mesh
Wonton::Adaptive_Refinement_Mesh<2> mesh(refine, lo, hi);

This creates a 2D Adaptive Refinement Mesh that extends from (0.0,0.0) to (1.0,1.5) and has a refinement function that creates finer cells at higher values of x and y.

Technically this mesh only refines itself on setup, making it a statically-refined mesh rather than an adaptively-refined mesh. But it demonstrates the sorts of interfaces and issues that an adaptively-refined mesh needs to consider with respect to Portage.

Direct Product Mesh and Wrapper

The Direct Product Mesh is a single-level, orthogonal mesh. Along each axis there is a set of points that specify the edges of the cells. Taking a direct product of these sets of points gives the set of corners for all cells in the direct product mesh. This allows the Direct Product Mesh to have variable cell sizes along each axis, while still maintaining that simple, orthogonal structure. The Direct Product Mesh is set up to work with non-Cartesian coordinate systems, and can provide an example for usage of various coordinate systems within Wonton and Portage.

A Direct Product Mesh requires three inputs:

  1. A std::array of std::vector providing the list of edge points along each axis.
  2. An executor to define MPI communication details.
  3. The number of ghost cell layers.

The construction of a 2D Direct Product Mesh would look something like:

// instantiate an executor
Wonton::MPIExecutor_type executor(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// create the axis points
std::array<std::vector<double>,2> axis_points = {
{0.0, 0.25, 0.75. 1.0},
{0.0, 0.5, 1.5}
// define how many ghost layers
int num_ghost_layers = 1;
// create the mesh
Wonton::Direct_Product_Mesh<2> mesh(axis_points, &executor, num_ghost_layers);

This creates a 2D Direct Product Mesh that is 3 cells by 2 cells, with MPI communication, and a single layer of ghost cells for domain decomposition.

Flat Mesh and Wrapper

FleCSI Mesh and Wrapper

Jali Mesh and Wrapper