Style Guide =========== Unless otherwise specified, follow the `Boost "Design and Programming" guidelines`__ and `header guidelines`__. They do not address purely stylistic matters of indentation, spacing, and brace placement; those are addressed for FleCSI by ``clang-format``. __ __ Exceptions ********** Starting from the 2019 version: * Optimization does matter for FleCSI, but only where the overhead it introduces is expected to be a significant fraction of the application's runtime. * Obviously FleCSI uses certain additional libraries (like Legion). Do not add further dependencies without discussion. As a single component, there is no need to limit use of one part of FleCSI by another. * The ABI concerns, especially for Windows, are irrelevant. * ``noexcept`` has replaced exception-specifications and should be used as appropriate, especially for move operations. * FleCSI uses its own unit-testing framework, not Boost's. * The preferable line-length limit is 78 characters, so that even a diff of such a file avoids the line continuations used in some displays. * Individual documentation files do not get their own copyright/license. * The source-file header is of course different. * FleCSI uses ``flog_assert``, not ``BOOST_ASSERT``. * ``min`` and ``max`` do not require special treatment. * Header and source files are suffixed with ``.hh`` and ``.cc``. * There are no "primary directories". * Code documentation is generated by Doxygen, prose by Sphinx. Additional Rules **************** * Changes purely for stylistic reasons should be rare and must appear in a separate commit (preferably a separate merge request). * Class and enumeration names do not get a suffix ``_t``. * Header names are "absolute" (*i.e.*, begin with ``flecsi/``). * Function documentation uses the imperative mood. Directory Structure ******************* The source code for the core FleCSI infrastructure is located in the *top-level/flecsi* directory. For the most part, the subdirectories of this directory correspond to the different namespaces in the core infrastructure. Each of these subdirectories must contain a valid CMakeLists.txt file. However, none of their children should have a CMakeLists.txt file, i.e., the build system will not recurse beyond the first level of subdirectories. Developers should use relative paths within a CMakeLists.txt file to identify source in subdirectories. Unit test files should be placed in the *test* subdirectory of each namespace subdirectory. By convention, developers should not create subdirectories within the test subdirectory. .. vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab fo=cqt tw=72 :